Building Wealth through Property Investment

How I Can Help

As an Independent Buyers Agent, I help you buy top investment properties in Australia.


My name is Sergio Sanchez. Life has its surprises — I ended up marrying an Australian woman and moving from Spain to Brisbane.

After graduating in Software Engineering and working in corporate finance and strategy (McKinsey&Co,, I saw the opportunity to turn my passion for Real Estate into a full time business.

Since then, I have been helping Australians from all walks of life in buying top performing properties (that deliver BOTH capital growth and cashflow) at the right price, saving their time and minimizing their risks.

I filter meticulously.

Around 500,000 dwellings change hands annually in Australia, yet majority of them would not qualify as good investments.

Together, we will navigate a “property funnel” to identify investment-grade properties that align with your financial strategy and personal situation.

Each gate of the “property funnel” acts like a data-driven goalkeeper, ruling out properties that are not capable of generating top wealth for different reasons.

Buyers can access all original data and understand why properties are being disqualified (in comparative terms) throughout every step of the funnel. No contradictory information, no unbacked opinions and no opaque AI models.

I deliver results.

I work exclusively for the buyers.